Located on the banks of the picturesque Gawler River, north of Adelaide, Windamere Park provides a specialist rural environment catering for adults with intellectual disabilities and other neurodevelopmental disorders.
Windamere Park is a registered NDIS provider based within a unique farm environment offering a range of services and programmes for NDIS participants. Our staff are carefully selected to ensure the best delivery of supports across our 300 acre property
“Every day we witness our participants leaving us happy but exhausted…and they can’t wait to come back again…and the average tenure of attendance from our participants is more than 8 years!”
In the days of colonial rule Buckland Park, as it became known, consisted of a huge land holding embracing some 20,000 acres. The property had been purchased by Capt. John Ellis and Capt. William Allan, two friends who had decided to jointly buy a property immediately upon their arrival in 1838. The new owners built a house on their property, and the bricks for this project were carried the 12,000 miles from England in one of John Ellis’ own ships, named the Buckinghamshire.
The bricks had been loaded deep in the hold as ballast, and today still remain as part of both the Windamere Homestead as well as the ‘Old Church’ structure, which in those days was used as the coach house and stables. As the colony grew in both wealth and population the Buckland Park Estate also grew in significance and established itself as ‘fundamental to the welfare of the colony’ thus described in the South Australian Archives by one of its first Governors.